a new version of reentry for justice impacted individuals

Introducing a Transitional Healthcare Model that Provides Cost Savings, Resource Reallocation, and Addresses Public Safety while Serving the Justice Impacted Individual and the Community.

a holistic model

The justice system was built as a one size fits model and historically traditional “reentry” has failed to address social determinants of health. To successfully re enter and remain in the community,  each individual needs to be assessed holistically.

Recognizing that not everyone within the justice system poses a public safety risk, there is a growing understanding of the importance of refraining from a purely punitive approach and instead addressing social determinants of health.

By integrating a more holistic understanding of individuals' needs and circumstances, these initiatives aim to foster better outcomes for both individuals transitioning out of the justice system and the communities they return to.

This shift emphasizes the need to prevent a solely justice-based response to issues that are fundamentally rooted in broader societal factors. As part of this approach, there is a push to develop a new iteration of "re-entry" programs that prioritize addressing social determinants of health while also acknowledging and addressing criminogenic needs and risk factors.

“People releasing from the department are going back to all of our communities. They have served their sentence. They have worked hard to maybe get into recovery or to address trauma from their past or to learn a new job skill. And if they're going to return to my neighborhood and your neighborhood, I think we all would want them to be prepared and healthy to come back as a productive citizen.”

— Christine Daniel, Co-Founder THCS


The mission of THCS is to deliver a new version of “reentry” focused on the prevention of a justice response to social determinants of health and health related social needs while keeping public safety at the forefront.

partner with thcs

Step 1: contact us

Contact us to schedule an introductory call

Step 2 : discover

Discover how THCS can help you cut costs, reallocate resources, address public safety in your community

step 3: implement

THCS will work to implement a holistic and tailored transitional healthcare model

step 4: impact

Enjoy the positive impact that THCS offers your community

“We are committed to implementing a Transitional Healthcare Model that provides cost savings, resource reallocation, and addresses public safety while serving the justice impacted individual and the community.”